Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 5 films of 2012

For film, 2012 was a year for anticipating sequels.  The Dark Knight Rises, The Expandables, etc.  I was also looking forward to films that got a good buzz at Sundance.  These five flicks have been films that I've been playing on my dvd player more than twice.

#5. Chained

This was a really good flick that I was kind of afraid to check out.  As I've mentioned on the "Chained" review, I'm not a fan of films with rape.  Jennifer Lynch made a really great film with a lot of atmosphere, psychology, and suspense.

#4. The Cabin in the Woods

Most Hollywood horror flicks suck balls.  It was nice to see a Hollywood horror film like The Cabin in the Wood.  A lot of my friends told me what a really good flick this was.  It was a pretty smart flick with some good laughs and some good blood flow.  Of course this was from the director of The Avengers.  Maybe that's why I enjoyed this flick.

#3. Excision 

One of many films that got great buzz at this years Sundance Film Festival.  A very dark film with a lot of great cameos.  Not since Fred Vogel's character in August Underground, have I hated the main character.  Anna Lynn McCord did an amazing job playing the delusional/sad fuck, Pauline.

#2 Rec 3: Genesis

When Rue Morgue did the story on Rec 2, I was excited to read when they were doing two more.  But when I read the reviews about Rec 3, about how in the 2nd half, I wasn't sure.  But being a fan of the first two, I still wanted to check it out.  Rec 3 was shot very well.  And even though they added some humor, it was still one of my favorite horror flicks in 2012.

#1. The Raid: Redemption

This got a huge buzz at this year's Sundance Film Festival.  I'll admit, this flick isn't horror, but there are a bunch of violence.  The action is amazing.  There's a reason why people have been raving about this.  It told a really good story.  But wow!  The main character was bad arse.  If their was a film I would recommend this year, it will be The Raid: Redemption.

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