Sunday, November 4, 2012

Code 415 Podcast Episode 3 (Femme Fatales)

To make up for last month's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I've put out a play list only consisting of All-Girl bands and Female Fronted bands.

destitute- "I Don't Wanna Play With You Anymore" (Left For Dead ep)

Deerhoof- "The Tears and Music of Love" (Offend Maggie!)
Purchase "Offend Maggie" Here

Bikini Kill- "Rebel Girl" (Pussy Whipped)

Made Out of Babies- "Cooker" (The Ruiner)
Purchase "The Ruiner" Here

Civet- "Alibis" (Hell Hath No Fury)
Purchase "Hell Hath No Fury" Here

The Creepshow- "The Garden" (Sell Your Soul)

destitute fb

Deerhoof fb

Civet fb

The Creepshow fb