Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Starry Eyes (2014)

The things that people will do for success in Hollywood.  We've heard all the stories.  A small town girl, from the country, traveling to the west, pursuing a career in acting.  She gets called in for a audition.  And when she gets there, the producer and/or director tries to take advantage of her.  Something similar happens in the 2014, occult/horror flick, Starry Eyes, directed by Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Wildmyer.

The movie is about a struggling actress name Sarah.  She lives in the Hollywood area, working a demeaning job to pay the bills, and hoping to get her big break.  She hangs around other people who are aspiring to get in the movie business.   The one's who seem close to her is her roommate, Tracy and Danny, a photographer/aspiring director.  Then there's Erin, who's a total cunt.  Always hoping that Sarah's acting career will fail.
Sarah get's a script from Astraeus Pictures, called "Silver Scream", in which some of her friends gave her shit because the title sounded cheesy.  So she goes to the audition, where there's a lot of competition.  When she's one of the actresses walk out crying, it seemed that she knew that it will be a tough audition.  So Sarah enters the auditioning room, and gives a so-so audition.  The casting directors weren't to fond of her performance, so they gave her the ol' "thank you, don't call us, we'll call you".  She asked for a second chance, but to no avail.  She then goes to the restroom, and we see her getting upset and pulling her hair (she suffers from a condition called Trichotillomania).  When she leaves the restroom, she is asked to come back by the casting director.  Sarah is then asked to do what she did in the restroom, again.  So Sarah does what she's asked, and the casting directors seemed satisfied.  She now leaves the audition very excited, and comes home to tell Tracy all about it.  The next day, Sarah gets a call from one of the casting directors.  She is told to come by the auditioning room, late at nights.  When she arrives, the room is very dark.  We then see a spotlight shining on Sarah and is asked to undress.  At first she was hesitant, but would then comply.  After Sarah undresses, one of the casting directors asked her about opening herself up.  During this scene, we see Sarah going into a mind trip.  We also notice that the casting director is wearing a pentagram around her neck.  Pretty much giving the idea that something very dark is gonna happen.  So Sarah gets the idea that she's getting the role and would quit her job.  Later, Sarah would be invited to meet the producer at his home.  While she was there, the producer tells her that she has one final step, but would then try to seduce her.    This would repulse Sarah, and leaves the producer's house.  She comes back home, very upset.  Of course, her friends don't care what's bothering her.  Except for Tracy, who Sarah would tell what happened when she was meeting the producer.  Since things didn't work out with Astaeus Pictures, Sarah would then ask for her job back.  Later, Danny offers Sarah a role in his indie film.  He mentioned that Tracy told him what happened with Astraeus, and this would upset Sarah.  Sarah confronts Tracy and they would have a argument.  She would then call the people in Astaeus and ask for a second chance. When she arrives at the house, again, the producer awaits for her, and Sarah then gives him oral.  While this is going on, people in hooded cloaks would appear.  And from here on out, things begin to change for Sarah.
The next day, Sarah feels like she has a new lease on life.  Now she feels that her career is about to take off, until some weird events begin to happen.  First, Sarah starts having these nightmares.  Later, Sarah starts to look very sick and we see her hair and nails falling out.  Sarah would show up to work, looking like she's about to die.  Her boss ask her to go home.  Sarah refuses and would then get herself fired.  As the day goes by, Sarah becomes more fragile and really starts freaking out.  She would then get a call from the produce, who knows what is happening to Sarah.  He tells her that she can die or let the "transformation" go through.  Then the producer has Sarah do one more task, before she can be "reborn".  By the end of the film, Sarah goes to visit Danny, in which would end in brutality and bloodshed.  After this, Sarah meets up with the cult from Astaeus and completes her transformation.  We now see a new Sarah, who now seems like she got what she wanted.
Starry Eyes is quite the trip.  It does take it's time, but that's the only way to tell the story of what's happening with Sarah.  Starry Eyes also shows what people are willing to do, to achieve some sort of fame.  Even if they have to sell their soul.  You want to get behind Sarah because of her struggles, but as the movie goes on, we see what kind of person she is.  At work, she carries her cell phone around, when she was told not to have it while on the clock.  She's obsessed with making it into the industry, that she forgets her priorities, like paying the rent.  It always seems that she wants everyone to feel sorry for her, but doesn't care how everyone else feels in their personal life.  If you enjoy movies like Rosemary's Baby, where they deal with showbiz and the occult, then you might fancy Starry Eyes.  The movie does have a good cast.  And the special effects are really great.  From Sarah's body decaying to the brutal gore scenes in the end, I think some horror fans will enjoy this film.  Starry Eyes is a good occult horror film, and hope some people will find it interesting.  Of course the movie is streaming on Netflix, if anyone want to check it.

To purchase the DVD:

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