For a couple of years, I've been following Lights And The Windows bringing their ambient-driven Post Hardcore/Alternative sound to the SoCal scene. You hardly hear bands in the LA/OC area playing the sound that LATW are doing. And because of that, it really makes Lights And The Windows stand out. Especially hearing them live, it is quite the sonic experience. A while back, there was some issue with their rhythm section. But despite the bullocks that was happening within the band, they were able to get into Fuel Music Studio with a new line-up, and record their first release.
The e.p. opens up with a rework of "New Days Sun". This one took time to get use to, since I've heard the demo version many times, last year. This one had a much bigger feel. Of course that has to do with being in a professional studio. And I also don't remember if the bass was up on the mix in the demo version. But on the e.p. version, the bass sounded really tight. The band has also included gang vocals on the tracks "Battle Cry" and "Underfoot". Definitely a nice touch to their sound. "Underfoot" has a nice alternative rock sound. But I have to say that "Battle Cry" is the most progressive track on the e.p. The song starts off with almost a NWOBHM/Prog Metal feel. Maybe it's because of the way Stefan delivered his vocals, which were excellent on that song. Then "Battle Cry" goes into metallic hardcore territory when the gang vocals come in. "Fall Down" displays the post-rock sound that a lot people praise LATW for (or at least I do). The ambiance in Devin's guitar tone is something to get yourself lost into. If the band were to submit a song to Heidi & Frank's "Should I Stay, Should I Go" segment, "Blazing Heart" would be perfect. It has a pretty sweet hook that I'm sure your average listener would fancy. And finally we end with "Myopia". A song that I pretty much heard grow. I remember Devin sending me a mp3 file called "pt. in E". And years later, that intro would become what "Myopia" is now. The track finishes up with a solo which is described as "instrumentals of awesomeness".
To appreciate a band like Lights and the Windows, you need to have a understanding of post-rock and progressive music. The e.p. is catchy without sounding generic. And it is also heavy without having to be heavy. In an early interview with Dimebag Darrell, he mentions how being heavy doesn't have to pertain with sound. If you want it to be heavy, you have to do it with feeling. And to me, that's what Lights And The Windows have accomplished with their S/T ep. Also if you want to have a great listening experience, I highly recommend listening to it on headphones. With that, you can hear every detail that makes this e.p. so enjoyable. So if you enjoyed this band live, then it's time to pick up this e.p and enjoy the tunes in the comfort of your own home.
You can purchase the "Lights and the Window e.p." at
Rating: "Five Hitlers Punched In The Face"
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