Thursday, March 12, 2015


Left: Sean (Night Terrors),  Right: Nina (Lows), Not Pictured: Kristy (Time)

Holy shit, dudes and dudettes.  Hellbeard's skinsman, Sean Boyles, has got himself another project.  For anyone who follows him, you already know that he has joined Insolence.  And now he's got another one (and also a acoustic project he'll be working soon), in Kane Korso.  A project that Sean started with some friends in the Bay Area.

Wanting to know more about this new band, I messaged Sean to tell me how this all started.  How long he's know his new band mates.  His move from playing drums to doing guitar and vocals.  And when will the World hear some Kane Korso.

On how Kane Korso started:  Kristy and Nina are in a band called Harriot.  It's a nice band.  All girl band.  The estrogen flows in like the river Nile.  Nina has recently joined Harriot, and Kristy and her became fast friends.  They are cut from the same cloth, so to speak.  Both into heavier music.  Old hardcore and the like.  They had been talking about doing another band to get some aggression out, but hadn't really found an outlet for it.
I became friends with Kristy within the last couple of years after I started giving her drum lessons.  We go to shows together, hang out, we're good.  We were at a show, watching Noothgrush.  And she leans over and says "That's what I want to do.  That's the kind of stuff I want to play."  I said "Okay.  You, Nina, and I are gonna start a band."

How he ended up doing guitar and vocals: (after Sean told Kristy about starting a band) She's excited at first, but then immediately confused.  She said "Wait.  What am I gonna play?"  I said "You're gonna play drums.  I'm gonna try and play guitar and sing."  She then gets excited again and said "Oh my God.  I feel like I just got proposed to!"  It was rad.  She runs it by Nina, she is stoked, so there it is.

Finding time to focus on Kane Korso: Kristy is a high school teacher; very dedicated to her students.  Nina is a mother of two with a very good career.  And I'm in 3 other bands.  So finding the time to do it is when ever we can squeeze it in.  And we all know it's gonna be a slow road.  Basically, I have material that are left over Hellbeard riffs.  Stuff that got shot down by James (Miller, Hellbeard guitarist and apparent quality control).  I think the parts are cool, so to use em for tis project is gonna be rad for me.

Will he be anal about Kristy's drumming: Kristy has already expressed that she is willing to have me tell her what to play, cuz she feels it'll be better for her playing anyways.  Saying this will be better than drum lessons (laughs).  For me, when I'm coming up with guitar parts, I kinda hear the drums already.  It's a second nature thing.  I started playing guitar a long time ago.  But I never really got serious about it til a few years ago, writing parts for Hellbeard.  Then when my father passed away, I started writing a bunch of acoustic material that will make my 5th band, with my cousins, that are more or less honoring my father.  But for the most part, I want Kane Korso to be a band where we all contribute.  I'm not gonna be to big of a Nazi on drum parts (laughs).

Who came up with the band's name: The only other name we threw around, and as a goof was Hellbush.  But Kristy decided that would be the all girl Hellbeard tribute band.  I came up with the name.  A few years back, James Miller and I , who I've known for close 20 years now, had an idea of a two piece thing.  We had a few names we threw around, and Kane Korso was one of em.  We decided on TramaBond.  It's in the vain of Death From Above 1979, but not as spastic.  It never really got off the ground, but it's not a dead project either.  So I remembered the name from that.  I just like the way it sounded, and it's a little unassuming.  Most people don't know what cane corso even is, so that's good.  And their is nothing with that name.  You know how fucking hard it is to come up with band names?  FUCK!

What he wants to accomplish with Kane Korso: I've been playing in bands since I was 14.  I played in a club for the first time in the 90's.  I'm gonna be 41 in a couple of weeks.  To do this kinda thing now seems fun and challenging for me.  It's just been a natural progression for me personally as a musician.  I've been playing guitar more, doing more vocals in the Beard, why not try to crawl from out behind the kit and front a band.  It's gonna be fun.  We are all stoked on the project and looking forward to contributing to the already amazing heavy music scene that is Oakland.

Right now, Kane Korso haven't recorded anything yet.  The band is jamming and hopefully they'll put something out soon.  All we can do now is just let them have their space, and let things grow.  If you want to follow Kane Korso on their development, "Like" them on Facebook at



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