Anyone who's heard "CVI", the debut full length by Royal Thunder, should pretty much know already how much they rock. Their Southern sludgy/psychedelic/hard rock sound, with Miny's voice won me over and turned me into a huge fan. And they came in a good time when a lot of Georgia bands were making some noise. Now they have released their 2nd LP, "Crooked Doors", a perfect successor to "CVI". A album that is just as catchy and heavy as the last one.
"Crooked Doors" starts off with one of my favorite tracks, "Time Machine". As soon as you hear it, you know something different is gonna happen. And it's gonna be really good. I love that Joan Jett-esque attitude in Miny's vocals on the chorus. It's just awesome when someone who has a blues-y and soulful voice can take it up a notch. Also a perfect choice to make it into a music video. If "Time Machine" didn't quite did it for you, then "Forget You" should do the job. It may not be "Whispering World" from "CVI", but it is just as heavy. "The Line" has a nice guitar feedback and bass line to get your attention. "The Line is another track that displays how well they mesh the heavy and mellow parts. And it has some good solos in this one, too. "Forgive Me, Karma" is a great title. And I can only imagine that a title like that will have a psychedelic feel. And hearing "The Bear II" just makes me want to cry. Not because it's a piano balled, but because I know it's over. Of course I can always play it back again (along with "CVI"
"Crooked Doors" has a great flow. Especially hearing it on vinyl. I knew what the band was capable of after hearing "CVI. "Crooked Doors" escapes the "sophomore jinx" and accomplishes in becoming kick arse record for 2015. If you've been digging the indie rock influence in Kylesa, and enjoy Baroness or Red Fang, then Royal Thunder is the band for you. Relapse has been putting out some awesome records this year. And "Crooked Doors" is one of them. Just a great album with heavy riffs and sweet vocals. If you're tired of In This Moment and Butcher Babies, then please give Royal Thunder a try, and pick up their latest album, "Crooked Doors". I promise you'll be rocking out in no time.
I rate this album "5 Hitlers punched in the face"
You can purchase "Crooked Doors" at: