For almost two years now, each month I try my best to do at least 2 or 3 reviews each month. There was a time when I loved typing about a recent movie I saw or a album I just listened. And I loved bringing some attention to some bands that I really dig.
But now that feeling feels lost. Lately I've been trying to work on some musical project that I've put on hold for so long. And once again I'm in a creative block. I was hoping to do some more review to get my creative juice going, but I just couldn't. The fact that I haven't done anything creative, musically, really made me depress.
I was hoping to do a review of Rob Dimension's Rabbit Hole, and also the new album by Kantation, and Stupid Flanders. But this depression really got to me hard. It's just really hard to do a review when I haven't accomplished anything yet. It really bums me out, but hopefully in June, I'll finally have something up. Chelsea Wolfe is coming out with a new album. And of course Ghost is also bringing something to 2015.
Please keep in mind that I am also a musician. As much as I like to listen to your bands music, I need to focus on my music, too.